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Artificial Intelligence: Rising Threat

Joy Kim

Artificial Intelligence (AI), is a rising topic among society. AI is a computerized program, most often used for the benefit of humans, and has been commonly used throughout the past few years. Not to mention the fact that it has been continuously improving and advancing. Seems helpful, but how is it causing a commotion in the world?

Humans Not Needed Anymore?

There are many concerns regarding the usage of AI including the replacement of humans. AI is used to help humans and perform human-like activities. This is alarming to many individuals as eventually, humans could get replaced. For example, many jobs could get replaced by AI if it continues to advance. In an online article, “14 Risks and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI)”, Mike Thomas wrote, “AI-powered job automation is a pressing concern as the technology is adopted in industries like marketing, manufacturing, and healthcare.”. This explains how jobs in industries composed of technology could get replaced by AI as it is continuously improving its functionality to this day. 

AI Manipulated

Although AI is often used for human benefits, there are cases when it is manipulated. To specify, AI has been used by scammers as they take someone’s voice, mimic it with AI models, and call that individual’s relatives to scam them. In the online article, “Thousands scammed by AI voices mimicking loved ones in emergencies”, by Ashley Belanger, they included, “Tech advancements seemingly make it easier to prey on people’s worst fears and spook victims…hearing what sounded like pleas from friends or family members in dire need of help. One couple sent $15,000 through a bitcoin terminal to a scammer after believing they had spoken to their son.”. This quote not only illustrates the fear created when relatives hear their loved ones on the phone in urgent situations but also includes a case where a couple had sent a large amount of money after being scammed. In addition, the article also mentioned, “Out of 36,000 reports, more than 5,000 victims were scammed out of $11 million over the phone.”. This data projects how AI could be misused, creating unethical situations. 

What to Take Away

Artificial Intelligence is a large threat to human influence and privacy as it could be used for a variety of purposes. One of the major concerns regarding AI is human replacement as jobs are put at risk with the increase in usage of these expert systems. Another issue is the manipulation of AI as it could lead to rising safety concerns. Overall, AI should be carefully used and studied as it could be a threat to human influence.



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